Friday, September 27, 2024

New Album: Music For The Movies In Your Mind


The Heartbreak Time Machine Releases New Album of Cinematic Instrumentals: "Music For The Movies In Your Mind"

FOLSOM, CALIFORNIA — September 20, 2024 — The Heartbreak Time Machine is thrilled to announce the release of their new album, "Music For The Movies In Your Mind," a collection of cinematic instrumentals that transcends genres and eras. The album is now available on all major streaming platforms. Find links to your favorite service at:

Crafted for those who appreciate the emotive power of music, "Music For The Movies In Your Mind" seamlessly blends various styles to create a listening experience reminiscent of timeless film scores while incorporating contemporary sounds. Each track is designed to evoke rich imagery and emotions, making it perfect for fans of cinematic music or anyone looking to explore the boundaries of genre.

"Jeremiah is so incredibly talented and works so hard at his craft!" said Hans Eberbach, acclaimed singer and sometimes-collaborator. "This album showcases his dedication and artistry in every note."

Featuring a total of 22 tracks, including the captivating lead single "The Long Road Home," "Music For The Movies In Your Mind" invites listeners on a captivating journey through its lush soundscapes and intricate melodies. The album pays homage to the past while embracing innovative production techniques, appealing to a diverse audience.

Listeners can immerse themselves in "Music For The Movies In Your Mind" on popular streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.

For more information and updates, please visit or follow The Heartbreak Time Machine on Instagram: @heartbreak_time_machine.

About The Heartbreak Time Machine
The Heartbreak Time Machine, the creative project of composer and producer Jeremiah Jacobs, pushes the boundaries of instrumental music, blending cinematic soundscapes with influences from multiple genres and eras. With a dedication to storytelling through sound, The Heartbreak Time Machine continues to captivate audiences and redefine what instrumental music can be.


I want to thank my patrons for their unending support.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An Open Letter To UFO & ET Believers and Evangelists

 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: Show us the ships.

And not just the ships, but also account for where it came from and how it got here. And why we're not all dead from the introduction of untold biological matter into our ecosystem.

You have to answer ALL the questions at once, now. 

No more claims to secret knowledge.

Show us the ships.

No more elliptical arguments or grammatical sleights of hand.

Show us. The ships.

No more special appeals.

Show. Us. The. Ships.

There are no ET crafts, friends, I know. I've accepted this reality.

I've also accepted its rational conclusion: nobody is coming to save us.

People accuse skeptics of being close-minded, but it's the UFO believers who seem closed to trying to grasp the true nature of just how vast the universe really is. 

The fact that we exist at all forces us to accept one of a few possibilities. 

    One, maybe we're first. Someone has to be, and maybe it's us. 

    Two, maybe interstellar travel is just basically impossible, or so hard as to be effectively impossible. 

    Or three, there really are aliens out there, and somehow despite having hundreds of millions of years to reach out world, they're only just now arriving, right at the moment we have the technology to imagine and detect them. 

The level of coincidence in this last option is utterly staggering., but that its invoked so easily speaks to a massive deficiency in our understanding of math.

Right now, all of us are collectively attempting to dodge the emotional labor of getting our shit together, hence TikTok, "true crime" genres, and the continuing proliferation of drive-through coffee.

The fact that we exist at all imbues us with the responsibility to act to preserve the lives of generations we'll never know, but more importantly, will never know of us at all.

We have to save ourselves this time.

Or show us the ships.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Netflix Is For Rich People


This is a new gilded age, and only the gilded shall have streaming.

From Netflix's perspective, "poor" people share passwords and stream lots of content, meaning they are expensive customers.

The rich, by contrast, pay the same fee but watch FAR less, i.e., they are a more profitable customer.

Yes, Netflix is ditching its most expensive customers. The poor can go back to YouTube and pay the ad-tax to watch.

If you can afford to put kids in college, you can afford to give them their own Netflix account.

Are you in the economic demographic of "Cannot afford two Netflix accounts?"

I'm sorry that capitalism didn't work out for you, either.

Tell your elected reps to support a Universal Basic Income.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Top 5 Things Successful Musicians Do

  1.  Be Born Rich.

  2. .

That's it - just the one thing: Be born rich.

Barring that, best of luck.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Lifetime in a Decade

I've been doing ten jobs for ten years:

  • Performing Artist / Keyboardist
  • Band Manager / Music Director
  • Booking Agent
  • Publicist
  • Songwriter
  • Music Producer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Audio Engineer
  • Market Researcher
  • Husband / Friend / Human

Each of these can be performed better by a single full-time person.

 But those of us out here in the dust have been doing these ten jobs by ourselves and its no wonder we've burned out.

I've done a century's worth of work and for what? Three complete mental / emotional breakdowns that almost cost my marriage?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Near-Majority of Americans are Authoritarian Racists (And They're Just Fine With That)

 It's one thing to be a racist, but it's another to be called a racist.

Here's what I'm thinking about as American Democracy collapses under international attack:

American Exceptionalism (wiki link, lots of reading)

    My current sense is "most people" think of the US as an outlier nation - above all others in moral foundation and righteousness of action. Because we think of ourselves as a dominant power, we feel we're immune to attack (Russia, China) which is partly why those countries efforts to influence our elections are working.

Racism (and Sexism) predict support for Trump

    A Google Scholar search with lots of results. Key insight: Trump voters love the raw power of racism and sexism. They'll die to uphold white supremacy. Worse, they'll kill, too.


This is America's "real problem" however it intersects with the above in ways that predict authoritarian outcomes. To Republicans, "government" = "police" = "state violence." Advertising media amplifies this signal to +1000 overwhelming our ability to create a reality other than theirs.

The Overton Window

It has moved to the Right after The Fairness Doctrine was struck down (by Republicans... of course) which makes formerly centrist ideas appear "far left" (i.e., racial justice, police reform, medical care)

Running thoughts:

  • There is no American "left" to speak of, there is only a right wing noise machine that is basically a racist propaganda system. The "left" is a product of right-wing thinking, specifically "there must be an enemy to defeat" + false equivalence = "liberals are enemies!"
  • Facebook is a right-wing propaganda amplifier and has always been. Yes, they can buy your data from other companies, but getting away from the ecosystem entirely has health benefits that go beyond mental/emotional.
  • The sons and daughters of the WWII generation went on to raise a nation of sexist authoritarians who think Hitler might have been onto something in the first place.
  • Internet hosting companies who have "de-platformed" neo-nazi groups have never fully answered to how/why they were platformed in the first place...

TOE's (Theory Of Everything)

 Peak Complexity:

  • Predictable human response to complexity is seeking (or reducing to) simplest form(s)
  • Some things can no longer be reduced (mobile phones, radio technology, internet, etc)
  • All national and cultural origin stories are up for examination / deconstruction / annihilation. This is a worldwide existential crisis and predicts pockets of fundamentalist violence.
  • Most "entry level" jobs are now specialised (barista) and require specific training or behavioral adherence (i.e, food safety standards).Early entry to the workforce is critical to long-term positive outcomes, and higher bars to entry leave too many behind.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Adobe Audition is NOT for Music Producers

 ..and they say so right here in this forum post:

"Audition is a multitrack audio editor, and doesn't even attempt to cut it as music creation software, as such."

 Yes, the software can be used to edit music clips together, but it does not support VST instruments, the core of how music producers work these days.

The software also has latency issues that make recording / monitoring in realtime a bit challenging, which again, is only an issue for musicians.

This is really too bad, and I should have looked up the specifics before doing a subscription, but I'm only out about $40.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Braindump: Adobe Audition and Headphones on Laptop

Here's a quick brain dump re: using Adobe Audition on a laptop (specifically in this case a Raider GE75, but this applies to others that use the RealTek audio hardware/software). In most apps (your web browser, Netflix) when you plug in your headphones, the system automatically connects that audio device and assigns the current audio to that output.

In your experience, you plug in your headset and it "just works."

But because Adobe Audition has taken over the system's "master clock" it cannot simply switch audio hardware or outputs - i.e., "hotplug" - so here's the little trick if your headphones don't work in Audition:

(*For MSI / Realtek / Raider)

Plug in your headphones (IN THE CORRECT JACK) and open the Realtek Audio Console.

Take note of the device name underneath the headphones icon, in this case "ReakTek HD Audio 2nd output."

Adobe Audition / Edit / Preferences / Audio Hardware -->

Drop down the "Default Output" options and select the (now available) headphone output.

VOILA! You should be hearing your work through your headphones!

I hope this helped!

Musicians: It's Ok If You Don't Know Why You're Successful

Few things are more confusing and confounding than success. Especially in music where "success" is defined individually yet also collectively in the form of capitalist measures (i.e., sales, followers, etc).

My latest acquaintance who's recently reaped some small financial rewards attributed his windfall to "persistence" and "just stayin in the game" and never once investigated his own data to find out what he should repeat. He ended up writing /releasing another single that sounded kinda like the one that was already selling - it didn't. Why? Nobody knows.

Success can be terrifying if you  don't know why because you also don't know what to repeat. How can you change/refine if you don't know what's working? Instead you just have this static fear that it will disappear without warning - AND IT WILL if you don't know what you're doing.

Few areas are as full  of mysticism as the professional arts - sans politics maybe - and I'll never understand WHY so many artists are content to remain ignorant of their own formulas.

Without exception the folks I see who are continuously successful are not only driven, they are disciplined, gentle, willing to change, and they trust their advisors. They are part of a TEAM and woe to those who fail to recognize the contributions of others to their own successes.